This morning brought so much good news from ‘home’. When I wake up around 6AM to Skype with Kellen, who is already 3/4th’s of the way through his day, and what an awesome day he had today! A special day for both of us. One of my ‘claims to fame’, I guess you could say, is the fun fact that I haven’t had an actual address in seven years. As of today, Kellen was approved for a house! We officially have an address. It’s a bit strange receiving the news that I have a ‘home’ while I am in full gypsy mode and halfway across the planet. It is comforting, however. It is a beautiful thing to know that I am in a relationship that harbors trust over distance and time apart; enough trust to provide a home for this gypsy heart. I feel so blessed to have somewhere to toss down my backpack (for a while), and look forward to grounding in to my new work, living and loving space with Kellen and his kids. I am excited to create studio space for tutorial and flow filming, vlogs and blogs, The Shellie Show, book writing and anything else that comes through. It takes two to make a family, a family to make a home, and a home to humble a heart. My heart is happy to have a humble home.
In the meantime, here I am in Bali, full throttle in the most amazing Hoop Dance retreat ever. Todays workshops related, of course, to my interpersonal experience and were based on hooping with Twins; with two hoops of the same size. Caterina took us through detailed drills and foundational skill building to set us up for success in our twin play. The key elements to working with two hoops are control, timing, and keeping the planes level. It is the same when working with two people, ie. relationships. You must build the foundation, be in control of your emotional output, understand that timing is everything and keep your head level when expressing yourself. I had some amazing breakthroughs in Caterina’s class on weaving, and trust that this is related to the breakthrough in my non-hoop reality on weaving a home into the web of my wonderful life.
Jaguar Mary led an amazing meditation on The Plastic Circle Part II, The Inner Playground. There were so many beautiful aspects to her opening meditation and the exercises she led. The one that was my favorite however, I am choosing to call Dreams & Fears. We stood inside of our hoops, our partners in their hoops, and asked each other two very important questions; What is your biggest fear? What is your biggest dream? It takes someone asking and someone answering for this to be fully expressed. It takes two. We can have all the dreams in the world, big and huge, but if we never speak them out loud, they are less likely to manifest. And as for the fears, as we speak them out loud, they dissolve as the stories change. Being this reflection for each other was profound. Morgan and I shed a few tears for sure, as we had a very special exchange and deeply related to one another. The closing aspect of JM’s class was a group circle, where everyone was safe to dance in the center surrounded by the support of their hoop family. We are safe in the center of our plastic circle, our community circle, and our global circle as we dance our divine dance. Each moment is an opportunity to share from a centered perspective, trusting that just by being who we are is inspiring the collective wave to wake up and live in JOY :)
Tammy Firefly continued to rock our worlds in Twin-Landia. I love dancing with one hoop, but there is something about two hoops that opens up a whole new dimension of awesome. Tammy expanded on my breakthrough experience in the realms of planes, petals, flowers and unfiltered two hoop flow. Later that night at the hoop jam I just practiced by myself in front of the mirror and was able to really lock in a lot of what I had learned throughout the day. Perfect practice makes perfect, and I intend to use what I learned from Tammy and Caterina today to make my Two Hoop Practice the best it’s ever been. I feel the healthy relationship with two hoops directly related to my healthy relationship with Kellen. I am able to move freely throughout the planes and directions, with momentum and purpose, and he is moving right along side me at the same rhythm. We might be on opposite sides of the body, but we are working to create one beautiful pattern indeed.
Keeping busy, I was blessed to give two Human Design Readings during the free time. I LOVE giving the basic version of these readings. Just the overview of a someone’s chart is a wealth of knowledge. Both of the ladies I provided readings for were feeling really amazed and affirmed by the information they received. ‘That makes total sense’, was the phrase I kept hearing over and over again. I am looking forward to continuing Human Design Readings throughout Weeks Two and Three of Sacred Circularities, and am happy to have such interest happening around it. Everyone wants to know their design! It is my pleasure to decode. Message me for more information and scheduling.
The final event of the evening was the jam. The hoop jam was a simple moment of integration for me. It is always good to step away from the cerebral ‘learning’, and into the intuition and knowing of the body. I was totally able to dance with my two hoops in a new type of flow that was more unlocked and confidant. I remember when I started dancing with two, and it felt so strange. But now it feels so natural and I love it more and more as the petals unfold on this aspect of my Hoop Art.
Overall, this day was all about being graceful in life working with TWO. Not just me. Not just one. TWO. Me AND Kellen. TWO Hoops. Revolving around each other and working together without smacking into each other. My twin hooping practice evolved yesterday right alongside my actual partnership. I love this correlation. Kellen and I are going to grow so much from having a solid space to live and work from. My hooping practice will evolve a great deal, too, and what will evolve the MOST is the amazing services I will be able to offer my community. Roots equal fruits. Stay tuned for the juicy developments!
One in Bliss,
Shellie White Light
Yeah Boo, it takes TWO :-D Thank you for bringing Our experiences full-circle. Yes, it feels amazing to be on parallel planes, dancing in synergy with you, even though we are across the planet. It was a major breakthrough for me in my personal life, to create a house for You, my Children, and Myself. This is the first house I have ever rented on my own. This is the first time "Dad" has a house of his own, with space for children. I feel my role as father and provider grew so much with this accomplishment. Right alongside your breakthroughs with two hoops! I feel a responsibility to all the readers out there to ask you a personal question, Boo... So what is your biggest fear and your biggest dream?? We all want to know. I am inviting you to be very vulnerable, for nothing hides in the White Light. :-D I am choosing to acknowledge your writing skills Beloved. Your words take us all in an amazing journey AND there has not been one missed punctuation or misplaced word in any of these blogs. I applaud your attention to detail in all aspects of your life. Thank you so much for these literary journeys. It is Truli my honor and pleasure to call You Beloved~ ♡♡♡
ReplyDeleteAH, my biggest fears and dreams? That changes from time to time, but to answer that in the honesty of the NOW....
ReplyDeleteBiggest Dream is dozens of beat selling books written, published and in the hands of the millions who will read and be inspired. My own show that highlights inspirational people and places, plants and rites. A family home conducive to the environment I need to feel free and also structured for creation. Touring with YOU, belOved.
Biggest fear? Not completing any of the above. Lack of follow through. Getting distracted by Facebook and forgetting what I need to do to make all of those things happen. Silly, i know ♡
Thanks for asking babe! Thanks to all who are reading.