Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 5: Release

Tiny meltdown on the morning of Day 5. I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and my moon cycle. I felt tired. I called my man and he was feeling sad we couldn’t talk more often while I am away, as we are apart right now for two whole months. I felt guilty that he wasn’t here with me, while also feeling like I had taken on too much between writing and healing work and all the workshops and such. Overwhelm! I cried. This did not help my stuffy nose...
I realized that today was a day of releasing. Pardon the details here, but I gotta be real.
A day of releasing; releasing feeling good in my body as my nose released snot and my womb released it’s monthly moon, releasing my beloved and our constant communication and releasing the need to feel energetic as I am still slightly jet-lagged. Release. Releasing tears and releasing fears. Even though I am a seasoned traveler, there are moments when I really wish I could just take quantum pause through space and time and just ‘go home’. Home? Another aspect of my life I have had to release. My home is my heart. No address, not yet anyway. 

Sigh. Tiana’s workshop helped tremendously as it was all focused on...guess what? RELEASES! The name of the workshop was literally called ‘Releases’, and focused on taking the hoop off the runways we had identified the day before and allowing it to take flight. We spent the first part of the morning tossing our hoops out of our hands and allowing them land gracefully, and glide down the runway with ease and grace. We also learned the “Infinity Toss” which required much trust and aim in the moment of release. Tossing the hoop from the back to the front, trusting our aim enough to be able to catch it in front, creating a circuit of this momentum was a process that helped me in my internal ‘letting go’. I also let go of the need to ‘get it’ right away. Releasing takes time, in more ways than one. I love how my hoop life always relates to my emotional experience. Thanks to Tiana for delivering your final workshop in a way that related to my soul and my hoop space. 

Babz took the trickery up a notch by helping us take it down a notch, all the way to our knees. Finding Your Inner ‘Kneenja’ was all about becoming badasses while leg hooping. I love to leg hoop! I found lots of satisfaction in helping some newer hoopers around me to achieve leg hooping for the first time. I was also very challenged by many postures Babz had us practice such as hooping with crossed knees, and also leg hooping in my opposite direction. Leg hooping takes hoop dance to a whole new level. It frees the arms and liberates the torso to dance dance dance in some really fun and unique ways. Also, one leg hoop balancing can lead to some striking poses and also some funky one legged expression. Babz always brings the dance element into the concepts of the tricks, and I really appreciate this. It is called Hoop DANCE after all! 

The day was already unfolding much better than the way it started. I felt like my releasing throughout the day had been a relatively graceful process. I was able to sneak in an extra phone call before lunch with my babe, and that really helped us both. He is being so supportive while I am away from him for 8 whole weeks! It’s not easy, but we feel we are growing stronger each day during this time. As we release being in each others presence each day, we are opening individually to receiving amazing gifts from Great Spirit. 

The last workshop of the day was Theta Healing with Jocelyn. A lovely mindfulness meditation helped me to finally free myself from my thoughts, and a sweet conversation about Grace reminded me to open to receive. I realized that the process of releasing can be graceful, or not. Thank God for Amazing Grace! How sweet, sweet SWEET the sound that saves a soul like me on a daily basis. There are so many tiny and not so tiny problems that come up for us, and the way we choose to view them and go through them can be graceful if we allow it. I chose to allow grace today, and the Theta meditation Jocelyn led us through was the perfect piece to complete it. I accepted the downloads from Spirit and let my body rest in it’s Theta Brainwave State. Thank you Jocelyn for taking us into still moment. This stillness allows for wonderful integration of all the joyful noise of this lifestyle we live.

After the workshops were all done I enjoyed an incredible dinner at Alchemy; a salad with all kinds of raw noodles and dressings and kimchee and spicy cashews, with raw onion bread and cashew cheese. YUM! The owner of the place thought we were a bunch of beautiful women and for that reason alone brought us a delicious plate of tapas. Wow, what a treat! Amazing food with amazing women. I love the food here, and of course all of the people too. Deliciousness on every level.

Last but not least of the day was the Drum Circle Jam with Malaika and friends. I love dancing to drum music more than anything. Dancing was the icing on the cake. Full release. Tribal rhythms and foot stomping was all I needed. Watching my sisters spin and flip and drop and glide brought so much joy to my heart. This day ended up being one of the most beautiful yet, and started off with such emotional intensity. There is a lotus in full bloom by the restaurant. At night it closes, in the morning it opens. As times are dark, our hearts close like the petals of the lotus, and as the light shines upon us, the petals open, they release, with ease and grace. Releasing is simply an opening. I am grateful for this time of opening, releasing, and really seeing. 
Shine On,

Shellie White Light 


  1. Oh Baby, I really felt your Heart on this one. I Love You so much and of course I love being in your physical presence. I know that this is the universe pushing both of us to explore opportunities outside of our physical relationship. As of today, YOU HAVE AN ADDRESS!! I got approved to rent a house that will be OURS!! I know you and my kids will love it. I also moved up in a big way in the new business I am working in, which means OUR financial Freedom is HERE! It is not hypothetical, or a maybe. IT IS HERE NOW!! Just breathe that in Boo. Feel it. You have a Home to come back to in Austin and we have more than enough money to live comfortably. AAHHHHH... Our life is so good and getting better everyday. May the programs of nomadisism and lack be re-written into Rooted, Peaceful Abundance. Thank you living your dream and creating space for me live mine. With Ease and Grace we stroll into the next beautiful chapter in Our Life~ Mahalo Nui Loa <3

    1. Thank you so much Beloved, for your eternal love and support of our life and path. Thank you so much for securing us a HOME! WOW! Who knew that an address would come while I am halfway around the world. I feel so provided for in so many ways, especially with you as my solid rock in this life we have created together. Our life is so blessed. Mahalo nui loa <3
