Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 16: Step Lightly and With Love

Week Two of Sacred Circularities is drawing nearer to a close. Today was certainly the busiest day of the week for me by far. Early morning massage, teaching my workshop, private breath work session and the resident of the drum jam this evening. Full on! It’s the kind of busy I like to be. I love serving my community in ways that help them discover the Master Within themselves. Teaching, private facilitation, and storytelling are the areas of super juicy magic in my world; the deepest waters in my pool of purpose. 

The massage session went beautifully, as did the breath work. Both women were incredibly grateful for their opportunities to release and let go. It is something special to witness a woman step more fully into her power, step further away from pain and closer towards comfort, step out of the story and into a new realm of speaking about herself, and feeling whole and complete in the moment. My passion is to assist my sisters into a way of life that is free from self-doubt, lack of confidence, pain in their bodies, confusion in relationships and suffering due to body image issues. My work with massage, breath, Human Design and hoop instruction is curated to help my clients learn to experience life through a perception of positivity, healthy relationships with themselves and partners, and free of mental prisons; holding space for them to embrace achieving their highest purpose. The hoop community has fully embraced these gifts I am offering and I could not be more grateful! I am loving this variety of private sessions I have offered here at Sacred Circularities. Click here if you are interested in booking and let me know a little about yourself, I’ll write back letting you know what kind of session we can curate together!

Tiana had her last In Depth session with us today, and of course it was beautiful to watch her dance with such grace and effortlessness, and inspire the second wave of SC attendees with her story. I admire Tiana so much. She has inspired me to embrace my own unique flow while continuing to push my boundaries, follow my art, and stay sensitive. She is such a kindred soul. If you don’t know who Tiana Zoumer is, click here. Also, it would be so kind and generous of you to donate any amount of money to this indigogo campaign on Supporting the Hoop Arts. Tiana and Morgan of The HoopTown Hotties made an epic Video to Stylust Beats’ song Dark Paradise. This fund supports the creation and production of this groundbreaking style of performance art, and you get to choose from some really amazing perks that are worth way more than the donation amounts! Donate any amount at all if you Support The Hoop Arts!  Thanks for bringing the sweet vibes to Sacred Circularities Tiana! We will really miss you during Week Three.

Tammy rocked a Rhythmic Hoop Class after that and that was so much fun. Tossing and twirling and turning, cartwheeling and rolling...there is so much you can do with your body while the hoop is tossed up into the air! I always appreciate how Tammy is always doing something next level in the hoop, something that has inspired her from the circus or aerial world. Thanks to Tammy for showing us new ways to express ourselves in a bigger way!

Dream Theatre with Jane was full laughter of synchronicity. As we looked to each others dreams for answers to our own life’s questions, we found that we are all deeply interconnected. Jane Carleton is such an empowered dreaming goddess! She always has profound insight for our waking and sleeping dreams, and is a very loving encourager for all dreamers everywhere. I love her classes, and I love her presence, knowing that I can call on Jane anytime to help me sort out my Delta states of mind.

My workshop today was called The Circle Sutras. This is a play on words, based on the sacred text of Patanjali’s The Yoga Sutras. The curriculum covered the Yamas (Non-Harm, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Remembering, Non-Grasping) and Niyamas (Cleanliness of Body & mind, Contentment, Training of Senses, Self-Study, Surrender) and a few sun salutations to incorporate the asana aspect of yoga. We massaged each other to show non-harm, spoke our truths to each other out loud and danced the words into the earth, came up with our own super cool hoop moves that we had never seen anyone else do to represent non-stealing, remembered our highest truth through grounding into the solid posture of horse stance, and danced with our hoops in a non-grasping fashion, dancing for a whole song without grabbing with a closed hand. This was our practice for the Yamas. Our Niyama practices included using our hoops to cleanse our bodies and mind, dancing in our hoops to a song strictly for being happy without practicing or proving purpose, drills and training to sharpen our circular senses, and hoop dancing as I read the passage ‘On Beauty’ from The Prophet to represent the study of sacred text. For the surrendering bit, I sang to my sweet students. I sang Nahko’s Great Spirit as they rested in Savasana. Everyone was so grateful for the different type of class style, one not based on tricks or technique, but a journey through the Sutras, circle style. I love teaching this class and hope to bring it to festivals this fall! 

I was the resident teacher for the Drum Jam tonight as well. Malaika and special guest Fantuzzi rocked the house with jammin’ beats and super rootsy rainbow songs. The hoopers were filled with joy and dancing in ecstasy! Everyone had a smile from ear to ear as we connected through Mother Earth’s heartbeat and songs from Spirit. It was a perfect ending to a very busy and perfect day. Until.....

I was multi-tasking. Video Skyping with Kellen while walking back to my room in the dark and slipped on the very slippery bridge. I twisted my ankle/foot pretty good, unfortunately. I slammed Kellen’s virtual face onto the bridge as I took my spill. Sorry, babe! ;) Anyway, as I type this it’s packed in ice and I don’t think it’s strained or sprained or anything, I think it just needs a rest and some TLC. It’s just the Universe reminding me that even though my ‘very busy day’ is ‘over’ and I’m on the walk home, it’s still important to be full present with each step. I hear you loud and clear Universe! Note taken! :)

I am so thankful to be here in the beauty of this place with this amazing, amazing family of dancers and dreamers. We are truly one as we connect here, each sister and brother special and unique. Feeling blessed and allowing rest, tomorrow is the last full day and we go In Depth with the instructors and enjoy our last big day of Week Two at Sacred Circularities. It just keeps getting better. Life is beautiful.
One in Circle,

Shellie White Light 

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to your ankle and foot. Good to hear that it is feeling better. Big moves on the home-front! Infinite Love and Gratitude for you, Boo.
