Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 2: Sacred Circularities Begins

Today is the day! The reason I am able to be here. Sacred Circularities Hoop Dance & Meditation Retreat begins tonight. I love this family so much. I am feeling grateful, blessed, blissed and surrounded by beauty! To be able to travel the world to do my ‘job’; to help others heal themselves and create a life that serves them higher, is literally my dreams come to life. I want to tell everyone reading this that your dreams, if you dare to really dream them, can truly come to be the reality that you wake up to each day. 
For real. I’m not just talking some foo foo new age nonsense on law of attraction or visualization, I’m being real with you when I say to you if you want something enough and take the action steps in the direction calling you, it will come to you. The timing is the Universes call, but the dream is yours. Live your dreams AWAKE. 
Bali is an amazing waking dream. At night when I walk along the path I smell jasmine flowers in bloom. I feel the earth alive and vibrant, lush and vivid, celebrating her existence with brilliant bursts of color. It has been surreal waking up to this reality. I breathe deep into the floral scented air all around me and just continue to give thanks!

As dinner began and everyone started to arrive in the dining hall, I could feel the energy building for the week. We all ate a delicious meal as we chatted with excitement, introducing ourselves to new friends and tightly embracing familiar ones. After dinner we gathered in the Wantilan for the Opening Ceremony. 
When I walked in, I noticed a native man sitting in front of the alter, deep in prayerful meditation. I knew Jaguar Mary had planned something special.
As the 40 of us sat around a circle of a perfectly placed flower mandala, the stage was set. The man was the master of traditional ceremony for our Opening Circle and gave each of us the most beautiful water blessing. We cleansed our crowns, drank of the sacred water he placed in our hands, and sat humbled as he placed the mana of this land, rice, onto our third eye centers. What a sweet site to see all of my sisters (and a couple of brothers) gazing at each other anointed with the staple seeds of this rich land right between the eyes. This moment coincided with us taking our special objects up to the alter as offerings. The offerings of this culture are amazing, actually. Everywhere I go I see leaves fashioned into little baskets with flowers, petals, rice and incense. There are altars everywhere, as well as deities, statues, chairs and all kinds of little spaces hidden away to place offerings. So, to make our own unique offering to the altar felt complete. After the water blessing we all stated our names and where we hail from and received a blessing of a flower shower! I love having fresh flower petals falling all around me, as I am honored by the community I love. What a Gift! 
We gathered close and stomped in celebration of this time together, the people and ways of this land, the spirits, the sisterhood, the surrender and the profound purpose of our theme for this year: Realization.
As we lovingly smashed the perfect petals underneath our dancing feet, and I felt the nectar of these flowers cool and damp beneath my soles, my ethereal soul was deeply nurtured. Looking into the eyes of my flow family, seeing how far we’ve all come and knowing how far we are about to go, is an inspiring image that will stay with me all of my days.
This is the stuff people often envy. Some will never dare to dream these dreams. For some, it will stay a fantasy in a far away land. But tonight, for us, for the family who made here to Sacred Circularities Week One 2015 in BALI, we know for ourselves that this paradise can be real life. It’s not like we don’t have problems and heartache still, because we do. All that stuff still exists, but we still made the choice to dream big and then show up to receive it. Tonight at Opening Ceremony, I saw the spark in everyones eyes. We are here for a reason. We are here to become more of ourselves. We are here to change the world! Thank you for bearing witness. Stay tuned to see how this ever flowing adventure unfolds....
Keep Shining,
Shellie White Light


  1. I AM proud of you Boo! This is the culmination of 10 years+ of dreaming your dream awake. You are absolutely correct Baby, and I hope you all believe her, when she said it is up to you to dream what you desire into your experience. I can say it totally works! I dreamed of the relationship I have found with you, Boo, for so many years. I just kept on praying and walking my path until I found you waiting there for me with open arms. Thank you for everything. I Love You Always~ ♡☆♡

  2. shellie, nice to read you! every word you say is the truth....i began to hoop 6 months before jaguar mary created the first sacred circularities hoop workshop. i had felt an inner need to connect with other hoopers in order to join together discovering and sharing the sacred hoop experience that was unfolding for me. i didn't even know where bali was in the world, but i knew i had to go be with other hoopers that also felt the sacredness of it. it is now 5 years later. i moved to bali 3 years ago, all because of that first sacred circularities hoop retreat...i knew it in my heart when i arrived here the first time, that this is where i need to meant leaving my family and friends and moving alone here, but being true to my soul was the needle on the compass. so yes....dream, trust, believe, and live your dreams each moment, they alllllllllll are there waiting for us to arrive, just like your boyfriend said you did into his life. i love reading your blog and remembering that first retreat and the power and love and light that was there for us all! i am 62 and still hooping here in bali, loving my life. the magic of the hoop!
