Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 19: Finger Stickin’ Good

Today was a productive and very painful day, in more ways than one. I had a hard conversation with my babe, simply due to distance. I had a lot to do regarding my visa and performances, plus private sessions and it all caught up with me as I was taking a step and sunk slightly into the soft rain soaked earth, felt my ankle begin to roll again and saved my fall on this crazy spiky tree that jabbed into my finger and left it numb, swollen and possibley sprained. Ugh! My foot that I hurt just a few days ago was finally better, and now I have genuinely hurt my finger. Luckily I had done most of my writing for the day and gotten my shopping task done, but on my way to the private session I was thinking about the heartache happening in my relationship and that’s when I stepped in the squish and stabbed my finger into the insanely evil tree with poison in it’s spikes. Ironically, this tree is right beside the lotus pond and I have sat near this tree in meditation and observation of the blooming and closing lotuses. So, I recognize this is a lesson for me. Francie busted out her Louise Hay app that tells you what the metaphysical reason behind a physical dis-ease could be, and for this one it was clearly applicable. Finger translates to “the details in life”, and the right ring finger translates to “unions and grief.” WELL. I have certainly been caught up in the many details of writing, planning, and performing as a teacher for this amazing gathering that I am so deeply dedicated to, and also dealing with some grief in my union due to my extreme life style of international travel. I am willing to look deeper. What this has done for me has shown me two things. #1: I am moving too fast, and can still accomplish everything while taking my time and not needing to attend to every detail. (My blogs are about to become shorter.) #2: My sacred union with Kellen is very important to me and I am ready to attend more to the details of that aspect of my life. My partner is very supportive of my being here, my dreams and my lifestyle, and would like to be here with me. Life calls, however, and he is embodying the epitome of a sexy man by upholding a stable environment for his beautiful children. Both of us are perfectly in alignment with our own individual circuits, yet are patiently awaiting for our pathways to align in a balancing act between these two very different ends of the spectrum. I trust, I trust, I trust.

I was able to give my private sessions and attend the Opening Circle which was awesome, but my finger just kept swelling and swelling. Good thing that I love this family so much, and their presence alone literally takes away pain. As I looked around at the new and familiar faces of this Week Three Opening Circle, I felt generously blessed by Great Spirit. To be able to be here in Bali, at Sacred Circularities Hoop Dance Retreat for THREE WHOLE WEEKS, in the company of the most epic hoopers on the planet, wow. Hurting my finger is a very small price to pay. Putu came around and gave us the traditional water and rice Balinese blessing, and it felt just as beautiful and cleansing as the first two times. We were recognized by name and place and showered with flowers by Jaguar Mary and friends. We celebrated and the energy escalated! We opened a fresh Portal for this final week to take flight. I can’t believe I have been here 19 days. Tomorrow marks my half way point. And I feel like I am only just beginning......
Always Grateful,

Shellie White Light

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 18: The BegENDing

Today is the last day of Week Two Sacred Circularities Hoop Dance & Movement Meditation Retreat. Week Three begins tomorrow. I can feel the energy cultivating for me and the others who have been here since Week One. After SC is complete I am performing two different nights at Bali Spirit Fest. Dreams really do come true! These are dreams I have been curating since 2012 when I was in Australia. Bali felt so close yet so far away. It’s beautiful and challenging all at once, because the one person I wish could experience this with me is thousands of miles away at his new house with his beautiful children in Austin, TX. It feels amazing to be living out my most personally rewarding achievements, and at the same time I feel like theres a bit missing, and it’s my Beloved. I so wish he could be here, being my DJ, my right hand man, my best friend. I grew up an only child, so it’s easy for me to be on my own on big trips like this, however, after we went to Peru together I realize how much I love traveling with the one I love most. We look after each other and lift each other up. Le Sigh. He is as supportive as he can be considering he is in Texas with his three children, doing the “Dad of the Year” thing. We love each other very much and are trusting that this distance for two months will only make us stronger. In the meantime....I do my makeup for the Instructor Photo shoot. Glitter...check. Feathers....check. White Light Attire....check. 
Camera Ready! 

After we took a few group photos and individual shots it was time for African Dance. I observed African Dance instead of fully participating this time to let my ankle that I twisted fully heal. It was so much fun to watch all of my sisters shake, sweat, laugh and cry and heal with dance. Malaika is such a beautiful facilitator of shamanic movement and female empowerment. I have mentioned it in previous blogs but I am so happy and honored to have studied with Malaika. Her mentorship and movement inspire many.

After breakfast was the Closing Circle. There were tears of joy and gratitude all around. This event changes peoples lives. Bali changes peoples lives. Bali plus Sacred Circularities alters the way people perceive the world around them forever, so naturally the Closing Circle is a sobering moment for some as they realize they now must return to ‘real life’. There was one extra special moment where a little girl who had been present for the week, named Shanti, was passed the microphone to share her experience and she said her name (she is three years old) and then in the cutest little voice she sang ‘Let It Go’ in Spanish (she is also Peruvian). Then I cried because it is really special to hear a little girl sing her sweet song without abandon. No self doubts. Only self expression! It was a heart melting moment for us all, hearing her angelic voice remind us of why we are all express our inner child FULLY. This Closing Circle was special because it was all women. There is something to be felt when dozens of women gather together to celebrate being in their bodies, their communities and their creativity. I love this hoop community like family, and that will never change.

The latter part of the afternoon consisted of an Instructor Meeting and a few private sessions of Human Design Readings. Serving and sharing with my community will always be at the forefront of my passion and purpose. I am learning how to balance my family of heart and hoop, my travel, my writing and my personal practice of dance training. This will be my focus upon return to my real life. I say ‘real life’ with gratitude because this actually IS my Real Life! From Hoop Gatherings to Festivals to exotic’s been my real life. After this trip and my month on Maui for Omni Love’s birth, I will be stepping into a reality that is less travel and more focus on work and family, so I am really soaking up the epicness of this exotic adventure. I am grateful to be able to create my life exactly as I choose, and I love every aspect of it. If you are interested in creating a life you love, and wanting to talk with me about how to begin that journey, click here and tell me about it. I’ll listen, and we can talk! Thank you, as always, for coming with me on this unique experience. I look forward to the 21 days ahead. 
Staying Present,

Shellie White Light

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 17: Amazing Grace

Today is the last full day of Week Two Sacred Circularities. As soon as I got out of bed my foot reminded me about the little tumble I took on the bridge. Hmmmm... a hobbling kind of day. Take it slow, take it easy, breathe deep and stay present. This is my mantra. This is my pace. I have been running all around writing and teaching and taking classes and eating with friends and Skyping with Kellen and just having a grande ole time! But now, The Universe says “Slow Down”. I listen, thankful for the grace and gentility of this tiny lesson, that could have been much worse. Today we go In Depth the Gail, Tammy and myself, and have one super fun workshop with Gail as well. I love learning from these amazing women, truly. They inspire me beyond my realm of mental comprehension. I will admit here and now that I never feel ‘like the best hooper in the room’, even though I feel very confidant with what I teach, way I teach it, and the clarity it brings my students. I feel acknowledged for who I am and what I offer, and I also feel very inspired to take it to the next level with my hooping, so that I can continue to inspire the community on multiple levels. Today I was able to inspire during my In Depth in a way that is new for me, and people appreciated very much.

In Depth with Tammy FireFly was such a sweet and intimate experience. She is so beautiful! I remember when I met Tammy in 2010 in San Diego, on my first round of touring with the Qi Revolution. She was walking up to the event with hula hoops, staves and poi in hand, and I had my multiple hoops walking into the same door. We were instant sisters. To hear her speak on her journey, her size, her methods of training and her dedication to health and well being was magically inspiring. I am so grateful to be able to witness Tammy ‘do her thing’ with such grace, beauty and majestic quality. She may only be 4’9”, but has the BIGGEST heart and the BRIGHTEST talent! I love you FireFly! Thank you for being in my life :)

The “Two Hoops One Hand” Workshop with Gail was so much fun and very mentally stimulating. I have taken a workshop from her on this material once before at HoopCamp and have been practicing her teachings ever since. I love it! It hurts a little in the beginning to find the control on your hands, fingers and forearms, but the rewards are great and very visually pleasing to an audience. We worked also on Four Hoops Two Hands and I think this is where the majority of time in training will be spent. I really like the shapes that four hoops can create and love showing the world the sacred shapes of hoop dance. Geometry makes the world go round, and hoop dance is a mystical story being told by the dance of our bodies and circles, and very heart opening to all who witness. Thanks for showing us what hours of training a day looks like, Gail! Practice More! 

In Depth with Gail was equally inspiring and heart opening as Tammy’s. Gail didn’t start hooping until she was 29! She is so badass you would think she’s been at it for a lot longer. She was inspired by a young girl in Bolivia, while training for her previous profession as a physiotherapist. Being from a small town in Belfast, Ireland, she is absolutely the lead hoop icon of the flow community there, and around the world for that matter. She has the tattoo on her feet for us all to be reminded; “Practice More”. Yes, Gail, yes. We can see how her hours and hours of practice daily pays off. Her performance is always moving to the depths of the soul and her technique is flawless. She is so innovative, and has inspired me to get back to the roots of my own training. I love you, Gail. It is an honor to teach at the same retreat with you and all of these other phenomenal women.

In Depth with Myself. Ha! It actually did go quite deep. I had a hurt foot, so while all of the other hoopers danced their most inspiring dance at the opening of their In Depths, I was ‘forced’ to do things a little differently. I sang. I sang my heart open to the tune of the first song I remember learning, ‘Amazing Grace’. Singing in front of my peers is a new experience that I am embracing in a beautiful light. Singing and Storytelling. At the same time. This is my newest expression, my most authentic art. I shared my story, from beginning to present moment. I spoke about my up bringing as a southern baptist preachers daughter, ever-evolving relationship with my amazing father and mother, which was the most inspiring portion to many, bringing tears to the eyes of women who could relate. I mentioned how my hoop career was fueled by a breakup, and how I would not tolerate being with a man who could not appreciate the way I was blossoming and growing into my highest self. I got raw around my issues in my late teens and early twenties with alcohol, drugs, promiscuity, food, tobacco, and depression. I shed some light for those who have battled with mood disorders and a lack of self love. It was so refreshing and liberating to be able to tell my story, be heard, loved, valued, and honored for it. “You are a wonderful story teller”, was the feedback from every participant there and many of the other instructors. I realize this is truly my highest calling, and am choosing to embrace this. Inspirational Speaking, Motivational Improv, and Stand Up Comedy here I come! ;) 
Anyone willing to book me for my first gig as a Storyteller with a Circular prop?! 

All in all, it was a very sweet closing to the gathering in it’s fullest expression. I had a very fun Human Design Reading with a 21 year old participant who was so grateful and loving about her session afterwards. She even paid me extra. It feels so amazing to assist people on their own evolution. I am feeling Bali mold me and curate my offerings to be of the highest service to my fellow flow folk, and for the masses. I feel the book brewing, and promise that after this 40 Day Blog Challenge is over, the books are my next project. Stay tuned and sign up for my mailing list so that when it is complete, you can snag a free copy! Blessings and Beauty abound from BALI ~
One in the Sacred Story,

Shellie White Light

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 16: Step Lightly and With Love

Week Two of Sacred Circularities is drawing nearer to a close. Today was certainly the busiest day of the week for me by far. Early morning massage, teaching my workshop, private breath work session and the resident of the drum jam this evening. Full on! It’s the kind of busy I like to be. I love serving my community in ways that help them discover the Master Within themselves. Teaching, private facilitation, and storytelling are the areas of super juicy magic in my world; the deepest waters in my pool of purpose. 

The massage session went beautifully, as did the breath work. Both women were incredibly grateful for their opportunities to release and let go. It is something special to witness a woman step more fully into her power, step further away from pain and closer towards comfort, step out of the story and into a new realm of speaking about herself, and feeling whole and complete in the moment. My passion is to assist my sisters into a way of life that is free from self-doubt, lack of confidence, pain in their bodies, confusion in relationships and suffering due to body image issues. My work with massage, breath, Human Design and hoop instruction is curated to help my clients learn to experience life through a perception of positivity, healthy relationships with themselves and partners, and free of mental prisons; holding space for them to embrace achieving their highest purpose. The hoop community has fully embraced these gifts I am offering and I could not be more grateful! I am loving this variety of private sessions I have offered here at Sacred Circularities. Click here if you are interested in booking and let me know a little about yourself, I’ll write back letting you know what kind of session we can curate together!

Tiana had her last In Depth session with us today, and of course it was beautiful to watch her dance with such grace and effortlessness, and inspire the second wave of SC attendees with her story. I admire Tiana so much. She has inspired me to embrace my own unique flow while continuing to push my boundaries, follow my art, and stay sensitive. She is such a kindred soul. If you don’t know who Tiana Zoumer is, click here. Also, it would be so kind and generous of you to donate any amount of money to this indigogo campaign on Supporting the Hoop Arts. Tiana and Morgan of The HoopTown Hotties made an epic Video to Stylust Beats’ song Dark Paradise. This fund supports the creation and production of this groundbreaking style of performance art, and you get to choose from some really amazing perks that are worth way more than the donation amounts! Donate any amount at all if you Support The Hoop Arts!  Thanks for bringing the sweet vibes to Sacred Circularities Tiana! We will really miss you during Week Three.

Tammy rocked a Rhythmic Hoop Class after that and that was so much fun. Tossing and twirling and turning, cartwheeling and rolling...there is so much you can do with your body while the hoop is tossed up into the air! I always appreciate how Tammy is always doing something next level in the hoop, something that has inspired her from the circus or aerial world. Thanks to Tammy for showing us new ways to express ourselves in a bigger way!

Dream Theatre with Jane was full laughter of synchronicity. As we looked to each others dreams for answers to our own life’s questions, we found that we are all deeply interconnected. Jane Carleton is such an empowered dreaming goddess! She always has profound insight for our waking and sleeping dreams, and is a very loving encourager for all dreamers everywhere. I love her classes, and I love her presence, knowing that I can call on Jane anytime to help me sort out my Delta states of mind.

My workshop today was called The Circle Sutras. This is a play on words, based on the sacred text of Patanjali’s The Yoga Sutras. The curriculum covered the Yamas (Non-Harm, Truthfulness, Non-Stealing, Remembering, Non-Grasping) and Niyamas (Cleanliness of Body & mind, Contentment, Training of Senses, Self-Study, Surrender) and a few sun salutations to incorporate the asana aspect of yoga. We massaged each other to show non-harm, spoke our truths to each other out loud and danced the words into the earth, came up with our own super cool hoop moves that we had never seen anyone else do to represent non-stealing, remembered our highest truth through grounding into the solid posture of horse stance, and danced with our hoops in a non-grasping fashion, dancing for a whole song without grabbing with a closed hand. This was our practice for the Yamas. Our Niyama practices included using our hoops to cleanse our bodies and mind, dancing in our hoops to a song strictly for being happy without practicing or proving purpose, drills and training to sharpen our circular senses, and hoop dancing as I read the passage ‘On Beauty’ from The Prophet to represent the study of sacred text. For the surrendering bit, I sang to my sweet students. I sang Nahko’s Great Spirit as they rested in Savasana. Everyone was so grateful for the different type of class style, one not based on tricks or technique, but a journey through the Sutras, circle style. I love teaching this class and hope to bring it to festivals this fall! 

I was the resident teacher for the Drum Jam tonight as well. Malaika and special guest Fantuzzi rocked the house with jammin’ beats and super rootsy rainbow songs. The hoopers were filled with joy and dancing in ecstasy! Everyone had a smile from ear to ear as we connected through Mother Earth’s heartbeat and songs from Spirit. It was a perfect ending to a very busy and perfect day. Until.....

I was multi-tasking. Video Skyping with Kellen while walking back to my room in the dark and slipped on the very slippery bridge. I twisted my ankle/foot pretty good, unfortunately. I slammed Kellen’s virtual face onto the bridge as I took my spill. Sorry, babe! ;) Anyway, as I type this it’s packed in ice and I don’t think it’s strained or sprained or anything, I think it just needs a rest and some TLC. It’s just the Universe reminding me that even though my ‘very busy day’ is ‘over’ and I’m on the walk home, it’s still important to be full present with each step. I hear you loud and clear Universe! Note taken! :)

I am so thankful to be here in the beauty of this place with this amazing, amazing family of dancers and dreamers. We are truly one as we connect here, each sister and brother special and unique. Feeling blessed and allowing rest, tomorrow is the last full day and we go In Depth with the instructors and enjoy our last big day of Week Two at Sacred Circularities. It just keeps getting better. Life is beautiful.
One in Circle,

Shellie White Light 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 15: Nyepi

I turned off my phone before I went to sleep last night just to see how long I could actually sleep, without an alarm. I went to sleep right at midnight, after a beautiful skype session with Kellen and his kids. I was teaching them some Indonesian sayings and we were all blowing kisses back and forth. After that I slept soundly for an entire 11 hours! I arose naturally this morning around 11AM, to the sounds of little kids screaming joyously by the pool. Noise? On Nyepi? Hmmm...I could tell this was going to be an interesting day.

The sun was shining so naturally I wanted to go to the pool. Luckily, there are three pools at Ananda. I went to the one I like the most (the lovely infinity pool) but there was an entire family of Japanese tourists there being super loud, not just the kids. The adults were all talking to each other, and actually encouraging the little kids to yell and scream all they wanted. I found myself slightly offended. I went up to the Dad and said “Do you all know this is an International Day of Silence? It would be nice if you could at least lower your voices a little. I understand you have small children and that’s one thing, but could you ask the adults in your group to not speak as much and so loudly?” The woman replied with “We are trying”, as she continued to chat with another lady. Even after my request, they all got even louder. I decided to just go to another pool. The man couldn’t understand why I wanted to leave and was even shouting at me as I left. I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want to at least somewhat honor this day. I suppose I am just very into fully experiencing the cultural ways. I also suppose being a tourist myself at a hotel with a bunch of other tourists who can’t leave the property is an equally powerful part of my experience.

At the other pool there were still a whole bunch of people talking. I didn’t bother to ask anyone to shut up even though I wanted to. It was a practice to have compassion and to not judge. This is a Balinese Holiday, and these people are not Balinese and just because I think it’s awesome to observe a day in silence doesn’t mean any other Westerner does. I just wish people would be more respectful of those of us who were actually looking forward to a day of total silence. But you know, that’s what I get for having expectations. So, I turned inward and just absorbed the sunshine and swam laps for a good long while.  It’s hard to hear people talking while under water. I rested in the sun and before I knew it everyone had left the pool and I was actually alone and not in hearing range of another humans voice. That was a special moment. I slipped in and out of sleep, hearing only the sweet hum of insects and the breeze in the trees. A moment of bliss indeed.

After I realized I was getting a bit burned, I headed to the lotus pond for some meditation. I sat observing the lotuses, the seeds, and the fallen petals in the pond. This place has been such a solace for me every morning and evening the entire time I have been here at Ananda. Today I asked the pond if I could take a piece of it with me, to plant in Austin. She gave me seven seeds. They rest on my altar, and I will plant them in a handmade lotus pond when the time is right. Whether they grow or not, at least I have a little bit of Bali with me in my home soil. 

After my time with the lotuses I felt the call of the hoop. I made my way to the wantalon to get in a solid and solitary hoop practice. There were already quite a few hoopers already in there, hooping silently and with focus. This ended up being my favorite hoop jam yet! It was inspiring to see everyone working on their own stuff, not just techniques we have learned over the last couple of weeks. I felt like everyone was really riding the wave and honoring the silence. I got super sweaty and tired after a few hours of solid practice and decided to beat the mosquitoes back to my room. I took a shower and began to write. Bailey came in and said a few words that I am glad she said. She invited me to the rice patty to watch the stars and the fireflies. Of course, I said “yes”.

This was literally the highlight of my Nyepi experience. I found myself in deep gratitude and prayer as I witnessed more stars tonight than I have seen in the 15 days I have been on this island. The stars were so bright, as well as the green and yellow fireflies that blinked by the thousands. The beauty compounded upon itself as the lightening flashed in the distance. With all of this brilliant light in the night, my prayer was simple. A reflection of the present moment. “Great Spirit, let me truly be a bright light in the night. Let my soul serve as a beacon for those who wish to know you, find a clear path to you. May my light be an inspiration, a guide and a service to all who see it. Amen. Aho.” As I watched the fireflies light up the darkness, and the stars speckle the sky, with the lightening periodically pulsing, I felt at One with the forces that be. This is becoming more and more regular, these feelings of being At One With the Universe. On the same page. Speaking the same language. I have always felt relatively tapped in, but once I started hoop dancing, the shapes starting to show me a truth free of story, dogma or creed. Since then, my path has been a clear display of the magic the universe offers, each moment so special that I find myself continually in childlike wonder. Tonight was one of those moment, one of those precious moments, where I recognized that the ‘specialness’ of the day was hiding in the darkness as light. The bugs, the beauty, the brilliance all came together to help me remember who I am more clearly. The stark contrast of light in the darkness always helps to remind me. White Light. We are all White Light. I just happened to make it my name, so that I forget less frequently. 

This Nyepi New Years Day has been a blessing. There will always be sounds when it’s meant to be quiet, and always be light in the night. We live in a world of duality, and for this I am grateful. We learn through contrast, and our wisdom is greater from it. I feel like today was as beautiful as it could have been, and I feel beyond blessed to be here in Bali during this most auspicious time in history. Thank you, as always, for coming along with me on my journey. I look forward to taking you deeper, as the days to come reveal the magic that has been cultivating and culminating. 
One in the Circle,

Shellie White Light

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 14: New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Spring Equinox Nyepi Eve

Today is a very energetically potent day. Not only is it the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, but also a New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse (we can’t see it here in Bali) and also Nyepi Eve; the day of the Ogoh-Ogoh Parades. I am also teaching today! Everything is perfectly aligned for real transformation on many levels, one way or the other.

As always, I visit the lotus pond first thing. I have started placing traditional offerings in front of the lotuses. I place a tray of flowers, fruit and incense to represent me and my family. I wish they could be here, but I know that Spirit is working magic through us on many dimensions and angels. In time, we will all arrive together.

The first two workshops of the day were wonderful, of course. Tiana guided us through the oceanic and organic realm of ‘Fishies’. Riding the waves of momentum and surrender, we incorporated this new concept into our dance. I liked what Tiana has to say about this abstract dance technique. “It the existential crises of ‘am I the fish or the current’?” As she poses this question, I begin to wonder...
Next Tammy took us on a yummy adventure through flexibility and aerial introduction. It takes so much strength to even climb those blessed silks! We spent much of our time cartwheeling, rolling, stretching, and hanging upside down in relaxing and therapeutic postures. I love aerial dance and plan to train so that I can dance higher one day! 

After lunch it was time for me to begin my workshop. My workshop started at 3:15 and the Total Solar Eclipse started at 3:30. Perfect. The focus of my workshop was using two hoops while sustained spinning. The focal shape of the workshop was the Vesica Pisces, which also happens to be the exact shape that the Shadow of Earth and the Sun make while in the process of Eclipsing until they merge as one, creating the actual Eclipse. I find it synchronistic and appropriate that the Universe would set it all up this way, for me to teach about this shape as this astrological rarity takes place. This New Moon is also in Pisces, go figure. There are almost too many synchronistic example to name! That is how I know I am on the right path; when my life is totally aligned with the bigger picture. 

There were only 10 people in my class today, and I think that was a blessing in disguise, as it opened up the entire room for those dedicated participants to be able to fully express themselves with the two hoops. If there had been more people, their would not have been enough room for everyone to hoop with both hoops. Everyone who was there was in deep appreciation, and I was feeling immensely grateful to be doing the EXACT thing I love to do most (teaching at sacred hoop dance retreats in exotic and spiritually centered locations) EXACTLY while the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on Nyepi Eve was actually happening. I mean, really??!! I feel like the Universe is screaming at me “This is your purpose! Keep doing it!” I am listening full on with both external ears and especially with my inner ear. The ear that hears the whispers from Great Spirit. The whispers on the wind in the rice fields while the sun is shining on the freshly blooming lotus petals. I like this kind of listening. 

After my workshop it was time for us to gather to walk downtown to the Ogoh-Ogoh Parade. It was so awesome to witness the family that lives here at Ananda walking around at sunset banging pots and pans and laughing and chanting and doing all the things to rid the property of evil spirits. Once we got to town we saw so many amazing demon puppets that were incredibly huge and elaborate. The different villages around Ubud created all sorts of intricate Ogoh-Ogoh’s, and I loved seeing all of the little children dressed in their matching village T-Shirt sitting on and around the creations. The youth were the ones carrying the massive puppets, and also the youth were the ones playing the instruments. I love that the children and adolescents are so involved in their village and the festivities of the holiday. I feel like American’s really lack in that area, that there is not much village participation, short of block parties and things of that nature. I know that community participation is present in our culture, but it feels few and far between. It appears so obvious here in Bali, and also when I was in Peru. The villagers really know each other, buy from each other, work together, etc. In America it feels very spread out and more corporate centered. Which is why I think I am attracted to the Hoop Community. As hoopers we tend to gather together frequently in different areas of the world, but I still see the same people, and they have become my family, and dearest friends. I buy my clothes and adornments from hoopers, and we learn from each other. We like to be around each other! It was really special to be with them while we watched the Ogoh-Ogoh’s paraded down the street, complete with drums and symbols, bells and celebratory voices. After all of the Ogoh-Ogoh’s were displayed and paraded to the Center Square, some amazing performances began. There were thousands of people so standing room was literally shoulder to shoulder and I had to worm my way up to the front just to be able to see (I am only 5’2”!) and I am glad I did. Each village performed with their giant demon creation, and each one was very different. The puppets were all sorts of dragons, deities, sea creatures, monsters and more. The performances incorporate everything from traditional balinese dancing including men and women, little kids in monkey masks, fire hooping and poi spinning, colorful fans, acting out stories and theater, etc. There was so much art happening in honor of this day. The Balinese dancers were so spectacular. The way the women move their eyes and fingers is phenomenal. The way the men leap and pause and create such dynamic movement is astounding. I am so honored to have been able to witness as much of this parade as I could. I ended up getting stepped on a lot and there was a lot of police pushing the crowd in different directions as the different Ogoh-Ogoh’s needed room to come to the center, so I eventually had to leave because I was a little over all of that. For the few hours I was there to watch, I was amazed. What a rich culture, with such gorgeous art forms, and beautiful people. I love Bali!

After the festivities I was blessed to have a juice with Jaguar Mary and Lynn at Casa Luna. It was nice to decompress with these sweet women who have put this whole thing together. JM purposefully planned it all so that Nyepi would be right in the middle of the Three Weeks of Sacred Circularities. Brilliant! There could not be a better time to peak your retreat experience than with a Total Solar Eclipse New Moon Nyepi! We are so privileged to be here during this time, doing what we love, with our community. It is nothing short of my biggest dreams come to life. And now that my biggest dreams have literally unfolded before my eyes, I find myself creating New Dreams during this New Moon. What is your next big dream? We must keep dreaming or we are only sleeping. This blog is a part of my biggest dreams. My dreams of being a writer getting paid to live and work in paradise are coming true as I type. The seeds are planted in the fertile soil. In a few seasons, the harvest will be reaped and more dreams will be realized. I hope you have found a way to take advantage of these powerful astrological times we are in. May you be blessed by the convergence of the shapes of the moon, earth and sun, and feel all of the blessings the heavens are joyously bestowing upon you! Happy Nyepi from Ubud!
One Under The Eclipsing Sun,

Shellie White Light 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 13: Mother, Water, Life

As I type these words I am a complete puddle; juicy with thanks, saturated with love, and overflowing with awe at the Creation around me. Today was a day filled to the brim with traditional cultural worship, humble learning, activation and contemplation. Thank you for reading and coming with me on this one. May you feel how blessed I feel through these words. 

I awoke early and feeling a bit sore and sleepy from such a full on day yesterday, but was able to work through that due to the excitement of giving a bodywork session first thing and then heading out on my excursion to the temples. The massage went great, and I felt really connected to what her body was saying, and was thankful that she was in such a sweet space to receive it. I love giving bodywork, even at 7AM! We have to fit each other in where we can during these retreats. My people need me, and I am happy to work it in so that everyone wins. And winning, we are!

After that I was picked up by the small group I would be touring around with for the day. Wayan was our driver, and Rhaiti, a Balinese Princess our guide. As we were driving to Basahki, The Mother Temple, we were noticing all of the Ogoh-Ogoh creations everywhere. These Ogoh-Ogoh’s are huge flammable statues made in the image of demons, monsters and evil spirits. They represent lust, greed, and all of the “sins” that humans confront within themselves. The idea is that Friday night, the day before Nyepi, they parade around these Ogoh-Ogoh’s and bang pots and pans and hoot and holler and call attention to all of the demons and spirits, attracting them into the Ogoh-Ogoh’s. The spirits come into these creations because they look like each other. Likenesses. Helps the little demon feel right at home. Once all of this has taken place, they then burn the Ogoh-Ogoh’s in an effigy. Then all goes silent. Nyepi begins. Seeing all of these structures on our way to the temples was fascinating. Each small district raises money and builds one. I am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.....

The Mother Temple, Besakih, is the Central Temple of Bali. It is considered the most holy, and sits terraced on Mount Agung. Tradition claims that all souls comes from the Mother, and to the Mother Temple they shall return. I wore traditional Balinese dress of a long sleeved cabala, a sarong, and a sash. We entered the temple, and began to make the long descent up the stairs. On the right side the gargoyles were smiling, on the left side the had faces of anguish, the stairway up led right through the center of these stone creatures. Rhaiti said it’s because you have to focus your mind, our minds are always in the middle of happiness and anguish and we have to stay focused on what we are thinking about. Just at that time I saw some little children making offerings to a baby goat. The little children were all laughing and smiling, making the offerings to the goat as a man was tying the goats feet together. Rhaiti looked at us and explained that this was a sacrifice to purify the land. Sacrifice? I asked her if they were going to kill that little goat. Yes, she said. “Like, right now?” I asked. “Yes”, she said again. I decided to go on the other side of the wall to look at some messy offerings on the ground. She said the offerings were purposefully offered messily because ‘that is life’. I heard the goat bleating. No pun intended. It made a few noises that sounded sad to me, and I said a prayer for it’s soul. Being raised Christian and reading about how Jesus encouraged the Jewish people not to sacrifice the paschal lamb anymore created a belief in me that there is no need to sacrifice animals to Spirit. I have no judgement around this little goats life being offered, but it was still hard to witness. 

So up we went. Each level of the Mother Temple represents a chakra. We prayed at the first level. I really appreciate this method of prayer. We had little bowls of flowers in front of us and some incense. The Princess said ‘the incense is the witness, the flower are the beauty’. We lit the incense and before each prayer (there were five) we purified our hands in the incense smoke. With each prayer, except the last one, we held a flower in our hand. When done with the prayers we put the flowers in our hair and behind our ears. The first prayer was for ourselves, one prayer was to the sun god, one prayer to the Creator of All The Universe and I can’t remember what the other two prayers were. For me, each prayer was full of gratitude. After four prayers, the priest came around and slung a bit of water on our head, and then gave us water in our right hands to sip three times, then the fourth handful of water was to cleanse our crowns. Finally, rice is placed on your third eye. Then the fifth prayer. We were kneeling all the while. Your feet are never meant to point towards the temple. We didn’t pray at every level, just the first one. We walked around while Rhaiti explained how the Balinese people pray, and how they are different and similar with the blend of religions (Muslims, Hindu, Christian, etc). It was all very fascinating, and I am honored to have bared witness.

Next we had lunch in the company of a view of the volcano. Rhaiti explained to us that the Balinese believe that three dragons keep the Balinese islands together. Praying to the dragons keeps the volcanos from erupting or earthquakes from shaking the islands apart. It was amazing to see the pathway of the lava flow from the top of the mountain to the village. The black sands leading down the mountain were like scar. A stark reminder against the green jungle that this island is ever changing, and even with all of the prayers to the three dragons, there is still a chance that lava could lap up this lushness in the blink of an eye...

Finally we arrived at the Water Temple. Tampak Siring. We went into the temple portion and were led through the same Five Prayer Practice that we learned in the Mother Temple. The Mother Temple is where the Balinese go to retrieve the souls of those who have passed, and the Water Temple is where they go to Purify and Cleanse their own soul while it’s still in their body. The water comes from a Holy Spring that bubbles up out of the ground and flows into the stone fountains and pools for praying. The spring fed pool was beautiful. Fish and eels freely swimming. Freshwater coral and plants swaying softly. When we went into the Fountains, Rhaiti explained what each one was about and what I  was meant to do. At each fountain we washed our mouths out three times to purify the words we speak, and cleanse our mouths from anything harmful or hurtful we have ever said. Then we wash our face three time, to purify any harmful actions or movements we have ever done. Then you bathe head under the fountains to purify your mind. There was a fountain for each chakra, the two for funerals which we skipped over, one for cleansing bad dreams, one for forgiveness of the father and one for forgiveness of the mother, and then finally one fountain that you actually drank the water three times instead of spitting it out, and that fountain represented being blessed by 99 Priests. There were some other fountains that you could collect water from to bless your home, new job, family, new car, etc. I just stood in front of them and prayed instead of putting my body in them since I didn’t have a little jar for collecting water. Then we got out and dried off and went home. Just like that. I had some profound sensations while in that Holy Water. My prayers were deep, saturating me to the core. I trust Great Spirit heard, felt and saw my intention. I am feeling very grateful that I was able to participate this way, especially in the days leading up to Nyepi.

I got back to Ananda in time to receive another massage, and take a very hot bath. After that I wrote this blog, feeling like a puddle of a watery woman. The water is a theme here. My dreams have all had the reoccurring symbols of tidal waves or rain. The last dream I had about tidal waves I actually leaped into the wave. I feel that this is poignant, as I have taken the leap to live based solely on my creative pool of resources. We are water beings, and being blessed by the water today resonated deeply with my soul and spirit. Tomorrow I teach again, Twinning and Spinning. Then the Ogoh-Ogoh parade, and then the Silence Begins. Until then...may the water within you vibrate at it’s purest cellular structure possible. Aho!
As One,

Shellie White Light 

Day 12: Activating the Light Body

I teach my first workshop of the week today! Eeek! Nerves of excitement and happiness are tingling all over. My first stop on the way to breakfast was the lotus pond. There are at least five in full bloom. These lotuses have been a major theme of inspiration for me. My dreams are literally unfolding before me. To be teaching hoopers in BALI how to spin, breath, love themselves and grasp the concepts of creation that move me to the core is the most amazing gift, privilege and blessing Spirit could bestow upon me. I just keep giving thanks, staying present in each beautiful millisecond, and exuding joyful prayers of praise with each fleeting moment. The days are moving quickly, and I know that soon this will be just another reflection in the lotus pond of life. A petal on the surface. This waking dream will wither into memory, making room for a different dream, a new blossom. Life is constant with changes, and new beginnings. As I prepare for my workshop, other classes, and private breath work sessions today, I am also preparing to go to Tempak Siring Water Temple and ‘The Mother Temple’ tomorrow. This is an excursion that I am taking on my own, outside of the group, as I couldn’t go last week due to my moon cycle. I can feel the energies culminating before Nyepi, and I am feeling very blessed to be able to take my trip to the Water Temple now so I can put in my prayers before this very special and sacred day.

After Orientation, Instructor Demos, and breakfast, workshops began.

The first two workshops of the day were so awesome! Gail taught us all kinds of amazing tricks that kept us on our toes. “If it was easy, you wouldn’t come to Bali to learn it!”, she lovingly exclaimed when we were all like “It’s haaaaard!” I have to giggle as I type this because I love Gail so much and her style of hooping just melts my mind into a puddle. I learned a lot in Gail’s first class, and remembered that even if I don’t get a trick right away, I have plenty of time to learn and integrate! I’m looking forward to studying more with Gail this week. She’s simply incredible. On her feet she has tattooed “Practice More”. Damn straight. I’ll be taking that advice, thanks Gail :)
Tammy FireFly was up next with Aerial Silks Flexibility and Conditioning. We stretched out really well, and worked on some basic gymnastic rolls, cartwheels and other fun things before actually climbing the fabrics. Aerial dance is such a commitment! Tammy is another one that melts my mind in a totally different way; when I see her do her thing in the air I am just in awe, and VERY inspired to work on an aerial art, like Lyra. One great thing about Kellen getting a house in Austin, TX is that I will have regular access to all kinds of aerial training studios and I totally plan on taking advantage of that fact. Thanks for the major inspiration Tammy!

Lunch was very productive. Not only did I have the chocolate ball for desert (first, ha!) but I also happened to book up my entire schedule for Week Two! People are so stoked on the private breath and human design. I have one woman who has booked all four of my services: massage, breath, hoop and Human Design reading. Wow! 
Perfect client alert! :) I love it when my gifts are recognized, and being used to really help someone help themselves.

After lunch it was my time to shine. I was so grateful to sit in a circle with so many brilliant faces, talking about sustained spinning as a path to ascension, Rumi, the sacred shapes that make up our light bodies, and how to spin our prayers. I took the ladies on a journey through the foundations of breath, gaze and foot placement, setting them up for a successful spin session. We created beautiful shapes with the hoop, spinning around each other like planets, interacting with the divine guide residing within each of us. Focusing on breath and with a non-focused gaze, we whirled like dervishes, devoted to the One True Source that brought us all to this special place in time and space. I love teaching sustained spinning! It truly brings absolute joy into my humble little heart :) I had quite a few folks come tell me how much they appreciated my workshop, and that means a lot to me! I feel so vulnerable when I teach, so to hear positive feedback is always inspiring. I love you all, and want to give the best of me!

Afterwards Tiana rocked it out, as always, with her workshop Contact Connections. I really appreciate being able to dive into Tiana’s extremely insightful and kinesthetically intelligent mind/body. Her quotable quote of the day “Embrace the awkward. The awkward is where beauty lives and awesomeness resides”. Or...something like that ;)
Thanks for taking us into your inner workings, Tiana. I look forward to continuing this spiral path of learning and teaching with you at international hoop retreats! It rocks! 

Next I embraced another role that I enjoy very much. Breath Work facilitation. I had a very powerful session with a participant that booked a private session with me. She had a super potent full circle moment of clarity, and I could tell a whole world of healing took place! It is always such an honor to hold space for someone and be their cheerleader while they do their own shamanic healing, using the breath and heart beat as guide. It’s an honor to witness such profound transformation. I feel that breath by breath, we are changing our selves and changing the world in turn.

The final experience of the day was Malaika’s 5 Elements Dance Activation. YES! I became certified in this modality of teaching last October just after the Sacred Circularities Sedona Retreat. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Malaika has beautifully combined the sacred aspects of dance, prayer, ritual, healing, and the four directions and elements of the medicine wheel into a powerful practice that changes lives. I am honored to have studied with her and ready to begin facilitating more 5 Elements Dance Activations when I return to Maui and Austin...and beyond! 

Tomorrow I take a day away from the group to venture to The Mother Temple of Bali, where all souls return according to Balinese religion, and also to the Water Temple of Tempek Siring, where the Balinese go to purify. As the days lead up to Nyepi, I am feeling more called to participate in ceremony in traditional Balinese fashions. The energy is building, the processions and ceremonies are starting and the locals are preparing. There is magic in the air as this place begins to stir. The spirits and souls are waiting for their time...many forces are at function within each of us. Now is the time to honor, acknowledge and pray. What a blessed time to be alive.....
Om Santi Santi, 

Shellie White Light

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 11: Self Centered

Today is the beginning of Week Two Sacred Circularities 2015. It was a pleasure and necessity for me to take some seriously playful time to myself today, to get centered for the upcoming workshops I will be sharing this week. I am teaching Sustained Spinning over the course of the next six days, and feel so grateful to be teaching in the company of Tiana Zoumer, Gail O’Brian, Tammy FireFly, Malaika Darville, Francie Fishman and Jaguar Mary X. Wow! What a powerhouse team. Today was a day for me to go inward, take some ME time, and prepare for the powerful week ahead.

I woke up this morning bright and early, got all dolled up and went out into the rising sun for a Selfie Photo Op, tutorial filming and simple admiration of a beautiful Bali Sunrise. I captured some great images of blossoming lotuses, the rice patties, and me with my hoop, all in the light of the rising sun. After a yummy breakfast with the new teachers and participants, I went to the pool for more Selfie time and some sun. A little too much sun, actually. After taking hundreds of photos (only of which a few a usable) and laying around like a little kitten I am looking like the Coppertone Baby! White Bum Red Cheeks ;) Tee hee! It was a very fun morning of creating self-portraits by the infinity pool. Afterwards I felt inspired to head to the wantilan for an in depth hoop practice. I danced and stretched and sang and hooped my heart out for what felt like hours! I am ready to begin practicing for hours and hours again everyday. I used to do that, and now with my travel schedule I have become a bit slack about it. I felt refreshed today to begin my practice anew again! It is a perfect week to recommit to my creativity. 

The Balinese people and all of us blessed to be on Bali at this time are preparing for Nypei. The locals are ceremonially cleansing their temples and creating huge demon puppets, preparing for the big Ogah-Ogah parade that scares off all of the evil spirits. Then, Nyepi is a Day of Complete Silence. No cooking, eating, talking, fires, lights, entertainment, travel or leaving the house. The airport is closed and the streets and beaches are deserted. Today as I awoke at sunrise and sat by the lotus pond for a while, I found myself looking forward to communing with these flowers and water on the Day of Silence. Today was such a lovely day self centering, and I am greatly looking forward to another day of reflection and experiencing.

The rice patties are barren now at much of Ananda. They harvested the rice, and now what was a lush green field is now a beautifully muddy terrace of lakes. A new type of beauty is there, now. Instead of green fields there are now wonderfully white birds, starkly contrasting the brown water. As the weeks come and go, and the view of the rice is ever changing, I hold on to the sweet smells in the air and the vivid colors in front of my eyes as long as I can in the moment before having to let it go. I am so grateful to be here, amongst these people, at this time, in this body, on this planet! Truly, every day I give thanks that the life I have co-created is so blessed. I must have done something right in a previous existence, as this bliss is beyond my wildest imagination.

The Opening Ceremony was tonight, and seeing the new faces was a delight! We had a very special visitor, a very kind and compassionate tabby cat graced us with it’s company and continued to hang out all night. I loved it up in the circle and carried it all around the jam later on. Putu, the Balinese Priest, was back again to perform the very sacred water and rice blessing for us for Week Two participants. It was profound to receive this amazing blessing a second time! I am honored to be able to sit in a circle and receive sacred ceremonial blessings from a traditional lineage. These types of rituals build so much power over time, and I could feel it. I feel that this place is changing me....mutating a very good and gracious way!

After the ceremony with all of the flower tossing and cheering, hugging and ritual, we jammed and held space in the portal we are creating here together. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better throughout the week, and so thankful to be in the midst of such awesome community! It is super amazing that hoop enthusiasts from ALL around the world (especially Alberta, Cananda) are inspired enough to gather together on tiny Bali. Smart folks! :)

The stars were shining as I walked back to my room. The stars were bright and the frogs and crickets were serenading my every step. In my heart a fire is kindled, warm and full of love for each woman and man here, not just at this gathering, but on this earth at this time. We are a part of something really special, and I can feel the shift culminating. This week is POWERFUL with Saturday being Nyepi, The New Moon, A Total Solar Eclipse plus Spring Equinox. Wow. That was my one word for the Opening Circle; WOW! Other participants shared their ‘one word’ for the week; words like Transmutation, Creation, Healing, Manifestation, Magic, etc. My word was simply ‘wow’, because that is exactly how I feel around all of this beauty and continual blessing. Week Two is already proving to be a climactic moment of dreams manifested, and I look forward to the string of moments that will stay in the center of my heart forever.
One in Self Love,

Shellie White Light

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 10: The Space Between

A Whole Day Off! Last night while some of the hoopers went out for cocktails and shenanigans I opted for a hot bath and deep massage! YES! That was a good way to initiate my 36 hour break between retreat weeks. I had a nice sleep in until 9AM when the cicadas were so loud and the sun was so bright I had to jump right out of bed and into my swimsuit to get to the pool. It felt so nice to know I had nothing to do really but sun and have fun today! Of course my writing is a major priority right now, but that is part of the fun ;) I am enjoying it more than I imagined I would, even though it is a large commitment. But hey, if I want to write a ‘best seller’ and make something of these words, I must make a habit of ‘being a writer’, and where better to do that than with my 40 Days in Bali? I took Kellen’s little 6 year old daughter, Kaya, on a virtual tour of the grounds through skype. She said “Wow that looks amazing! I wish I could teleport there.” Smart kid. One day, Kaya, you’ll be hooping with me here, too! :)

After a long while in the sun a few of us went on a trip into town and to the rice patties just outside of Ubud. I was happy to do some shopping and buy some gifts for friends, family and of course, myself. I found some amazing and unique pieces that you can only find here in Indonesia, and I am looking forward to sharing with my loved ones. It was also just super great to spend time with some of my best lady friends Caterina, Tiana, Morgan, Sofia and Bailey. We hired a driver to take us around, and enjoyed ourselves with some good ole’ retail therapy, and loads of photos and videos fun in front of the rice fields. I had an interesting moment where my foot slipped into the rice patty and got stuck in the mud! I was laughing so hard. My boot was the only thing to really get dirty. I did get a little bit of mud on one of my new and super sparkly HipTronic Hoops made by the lovely Lisa Disinger of HipTronic Arts, but that’s ok. Now the hoop has some character, and proof of being in Bali. (Shameless plug alert) Speaking of new hoops, if you would like to purchase some seriously spectacular hand-crafted hula hoops click here and use the promocode ‘whitelightlove’ to begin hooping with the loveliest hoops on the planet! I love my new hoops and look forward to sharing all of the pretty pictures and photos I have taken with them here in Bali! :)

To complete our fun trip of rice patties and pictures, shopping and spending, we had a delightful dinner at the local favorite, Alchemy. After a coconut & greens drink, sensational salad, mouth watering raw quiche and a bite of raw chocolate I was high as a kite! We floated back to the hotel toting all of our goods, hugged the new-comers we found in the lobby (Gail O’Brian and Lynn Spencer-Nelson!) and all went off to our rooms to enjoy a night of relaxation and work details. I love the women I am friends with in this community! We are all so talented and straight up kindhearted, loving and likable folks. Everyone is just so easy to hang out with! I want us to all form a community and just live together, haha. Hoopers take over the world! Sounds like a ‘well-rounded’ society to me... ;)

I can feel the energy just building and building and am ready and grateful to begin Week Two of Sacred Circularities Bali 2015. So here I am, catching up on the final blog before Week Two begins. Feeling blessed that my passion in life has brought me here, and inspired to help others discover this for themselves. If you are interested in creating a life that includes your best friends, travel and actually doing what you love to make money, I am here to help you. I am not a business coach or career consultant, I am just an inspired woman living her dreams, and here to help you eliminate excuses and begin creating a life that inspires YOU! If you can live a life that you are inspired to wake up to every day, than your life will easily inspire others. That is how I got here, to Bali. Being inspired and in turn, letting that inspiration continue to flow through me. There are hundreds of hoopers coming here between March and July, so it’s not like this is some fantasy reality! If we can do it, so can you! Did you know that Sacred Circularities is happening again in July? Click here to register for July. Just do it! If you want to JOIN US SEDONA, CLICK HERE And if you want to save a serious bundle on next year, click here to receive almost HALF OFF the 2016 price!
There is no reason NOT to make it out here. I promise, it is SO worth it. It is absolutely worth the time off, time away from family (bring them if it’s possible), time away from daily life and time away from a normal routine. Traveling to a foreign country changes lives and brings epic joy! We are having an amazing time and would love to see your face on this side of the screen. Until then.....
Blissings from Bali,

Shellie White Light 

Day 9: The End is the Beginning

I found a pond with about forty lotuses waiting to bloom. I feel that it represents us, the ones here in Bali at Sacred Circularities. We are being primed and purified in a beautiful way here, and once we come through to the other side, a blossoming occurs. Until then, patience and beauty....patience and beauty.
Today is the last day of the first week of the retreat. I began the day with a very special private session of breath work with one of the retreat participants. She said “I just want to stay here forever in this place. I am so peaceful! I’ve never felt this before.” During her session we focused on breathing in THIS air; this air that has the potent prayers of the people, and perfume of the incense and flowers. I breathed right along with her as I was coaching her, reminding myself that my being here is temporary...and how I wish it weren’t. The ending of the first week brings the sobering reality that I will eventually be reintegrating into a more familiar lifestyle, and to really soak this place up for the blessing it is. As I prepare to teach during weeks two and three, I am feeling immensely grateful that my passion for teaching The Art of Hula Hoop has brought me all the way across the world to this beautiful and inspiring place. Giving THANKS!
Today’s only class was Malaika’s African Village Dance. I love taking this class every time I get the chance! The music, the movements, the togetherness, the story, the roots, the rhythm, the sweat and the happiness! It’s all there. We danced and stomped and leaped and landed in joy on that amazing wooden floor in the wantilan, smiling the entire time. By the end we were all wishing there was more time for us to do it all over again, but alas, the last breakfast was upon us. We gathered for the meal time and the feeling of community was so much more palpable than the first dinner we ate one week earlier. Friendships have been formed, bonds have been forged, many laughs have been shared and tears have been tenderly witnessed. We have become family. It’s hard to imagine that it just keeps getting better from here, but it does! We may have to say goodbye, but truly, this is only the start. 
The Closing Circle was just as beautiful and inspiring as the Opening. Jaguar Mary gave us all such a beautiful gift. She came around to each one of us, showered our feet with flower petals, and gave us a heart felt hug. She spoke before hand on ‘honoring our enlightened masters with an offering’, and proceeded to treat each of us as an the enlightened ones before her. It was so special to witness many of my sisters faces glisten with tears of joy and wonderment of being beheld in such a way. I felt that perhaps many of them had never had anyone shower their feet with flower petals, and honor them as a realized being. I am so thankful to Jaguar Mary for having the humble heart and the divine inspiration to honor these women and few men in such a sweet way. I could see it was actually changing lives.
After this blessing, we each had a moment to share on our experience. Many attendees were overwhelmed with the waves of gratitude for this time, and spoke their sentiments through deep emotions, straight from the heart. Like the Lotus, the petals had been peeled back, and with our community members as mirrors, we have been able to see the true reflections of who we really are, perfectly unfolding and being held in our splendor. What a gift to witness each woman and man existing in a more authentic and joyful version of themselves.
During the sharing, as a group, we organically created a circle with all of the flower petals. Each persons petals connecting with the petals of the person next to them. Again, I am reminded of the lotus pond I have found, with all of the petals of the lotus shedding and sharing the same sacred space. Our petals perfectly positioned to create one circle, one unit. Each petal and important part. After all, The Flower of Life is one sacred shape including many circles. After the sharing, and acknowledging our circle, Francie sang us a sweet song on peace to all beings in all worlds. As we go about our enchanted lives of hoop dance, travel and togetherness, may we send that love to all beings everywhere, and trust that every living thing on every plane of existence will be happy. Let us share this beautiful blessing by shining, singing, spinning and grinning!
Finally, we all made our rounds and hugged every single person present. We received and gave love on a powerful level, through acknowledgement and touch. What a fantastic group of hoopers this has been! I am amazed at the talent and wisdom, the radiance and uniqueness of each individual. I loved that we were a small enough group to be able to call everyone by name, and that we could all feel like very good friends at the end.
This has been such a special time with special people. I am very much looking forward to the beginning of Week Two! May all of you who have gone home from being here at Week One know how much you are loved and missed. Keep reading the blogs to stay right here with us! And for all of you who want to be here but are where ever you are, know that we are holding you near and dear, and also holding space for you to attend next year. Dream big! Life is waiting....

Shellie White Light

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 8: The Authentic Moment

Slept in late today. Internet wasn’t working. Oh well! I’ll have to wait to post the blog.  Grabbed some java and made it in time to Jocelyn’s workshop to watch her demonstrate an exercise called “Waiting for the Authentic Moment”. 
Ah....perfect timing. I needed to witness this, in the moment of my frantic and ‘not going as planned’ morning. As I watched, Jocelyn inhaled, stood gracefully in her hoop, waited until the inspiration arose, and then danced in flow complete with punctuation to a song that will always remind me of her since I saw her perform to it at Hoop Camp years ago. The lyrics say “Taking my time, taking my time, taking control of the elements.” Her dance, and the dance to which she invited the students of this Hoop Yogini Alchemy and Flow session, was sweet and authentic. Sensual and in tune with the elements of the space, body and collective flow. “The Authentic Moment” arises when it arises. I woke up this morning when my body authentically needed to, not when I felt like I needed to be up to write at 5:30AM. My blog will be posted in the most authentic moment possible, when the internet authentically works, haha. This is really what going with the Flow is all about. Today is the last full day of Week One Sacred Circularities Hoop Dance Meditation Retreat. Today will reveal the most authentic moments of the week as we witness instructors Babz, Tiana and Caterina go ‘In Depth’. These ‘In Depth’ sessions are a showcase of the inner workings, deeper practices, personal stories and backgrounds of these beautiful women who have inspired us so deeply throughout the week. I am looking forward to peaking beneath the surface of the lovely hoop legends lives, and enjoying the last full day of this amazing week. 

Babz Robinson was the first In Depth experience. From the Great White North of Canada, she is a well traveled hooper, and a rock climber. She loves home! Something I admire about Babz that I can resonate with deeply is that she does not watch YouTube videos to learn or gawk. Neither do I! She says she doesn’t want it to affect her style. I totally get that. I really appreciated Babz sharing herself with us in a sweet and open way. Thanks for leaving home to come play with us in Bali, Babz!

Tiana Zoumer was next, gracing us with her innocent, heart felt tears and a tale that told all a story we could all relate to. Many of us had experienced something Tiana endured in the beginning of her journey, a lack of self love. It’s hard to imagine our hoop idols being anything but happy and hooping all the day long, but the reality of life is this: we create to help heal our pain. Tiana stated “we dance to heal”. It’s true. We emoted with her and were inspired by her as we listened and learned deeper about the life that created this genuine hoop legend, a prodigy of practice, a ring master for sure. Thanks for bearing your soul to us, T.

Caterina Suttin sat center stage next, and blessed us with a beautiful ball of light as she practiced for us to witness her devotion. She told us her story of riding the waves of inspiration to injury, healing to being humbled, making it and breaking it, and everything in between. She also got real about the psychological effects of being a ‘hoop celebrity’, so to speak, and the mental experience that ‘the attention’ can bring. Between Babz, Tiana and Caterina sharing with us their authentic experiences I feel like the retreat came to an intimate and transparent climax of the actualization of this years theme: Realization. As a group we realized that these teachers are just people, accessible and open, raw and vulnerable. Our friends. Our sisters. Our equals. Yes, our greatest inspirations, too! I am looking forward to taking the role of teacher in Weeks Two and Three, and these AMAZING trail-blazers have shown me such a beautiful and shining example!

After the day was done I had a very sweet private session with Shilpa who had so many epic breakthroughs in her hoop practice. It is amazing to witness someone ‘get it’ for the first time and literally jump up and down screaming in joy. It helps me remember why I am doing this in first place. I love helping women feel totally empowered in their bodies, minds, spirits and TALENTS. We are all so different and private lessons give me a wonderful opportunity to experience the different way different hoopers learn. Teaching is literally my favorite thing in the world to do for myself, and for others.

After our lesson we joined the rest of the group at Clear Cafe for a delicious ‘last supper’. There was a lovely view of the sky and the lightening was flashing intermittently in the darkness. Between the faces of my friends, and the flashing of the lightening, I literally felt  “lit up”. This has been such a profound week, and I feel grateful beyond description, really. Tomorrow is the Closing Circle, but truly this is just the beginning. This is really my life! The life that this community has created together. What a beautiful community we have all co-created. This Sacred Circle is always open, never broken. 
Love From Bali,

Shellie White Light 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 7: It Takes Two

This morning brought so much good news from ‘home’. When I wake up around 6AM to Skype with Kellen, who is already 3/4th’s of the way through his day, and what an awesome day he had today! A special day for both of us. One of my ‘claims to fame’, I guess you could say, is the fun fact that I haven’t had an actual address in seven years. As of today, Kellen was approved for a house! We officially have an address. It’s a bit strange receiving the news that I have a ‘home’ while I am in full gypsy mode and halfway across the planet. It is comforting, however. It is a beautiful thing to know that I am in a relationship that harbors trust over distance and time apart; enough trust to provide a home for this gypsy heart. I feel so blessed to have somewhere to toss down my backpack (for a while), and look forward to grounding in to my new work, living and loving space with Kellen and his kids. I am excited to create studio space for tutorial and flow filming, vlogs and blogs, The Shellie Show, book writing and anything else that comes through. It takes two to make a family, a family to make a home, and a home to humble a heart. My heart is happy to have a humble home. 

In the meantime, here I am in Bali, full throttle in the most amazing Hoop Dance retreat ever. Todays workshops related, of course, to my interpersonal experience and were based on hooping with Twins; with two hoops of the same size. Caterina took us through detailed drills and foundational skill building to set us up for success in our twin play. The key elements to working with two hoops are control, timing, and keeping the planes level. It is the same when working with two people, ie. relationships. You must build the foundation, be in control of your emotional output, understand that timing is everything and keep your head level when expressing yourself. I had some amazing breakthroughs in Caterina’s class on weaving, and trust that this is related to the breakthrough in my non-hoop reality on weaving a home into the web of my wonderful life.

Jaguar Mary led an amazing meditation on The Plastic Circle Part II, The Inner Playground. There were so many beautiful aspects to her opening meditation and the exercises she led. The one that was my favorite however, I am choosing to call Dreams & Fears. We stood inside of our hoops, our partners in their hoops, and asked each other two very important questions; What is your biggest fear? What is your biggest dream? It takes someone asking and someone answering for this to be fully expressed. It takes two. We can have all the dreams in the world, big and huge, but if we never speak them out loud, they are less likely to manifest. And as for the fears, as we speak them out loud, they dissolve as the stories change. Being this reflection for each other was profound. Morgan and I shed a few tears for sure, as we had a very special exchange and deeply related to one another. The closing aspect of JM’s class was a group circle, where everyone was safe to dance in the center surrounded by the support of their hoop family. We are safe in the center of our plastic circle, our community circle, and our global circle as we dance our divine dance. Each moment is an opportunity to share from a centered perspective, trusting that just by being who we are is inspiring the collective wave to wake up and live in JOY :)

Tammy Firefly continued to rock our worlds in Twin-Landia. I love dancing with one hoop, but there is something about two hoops that opens up a whole new dimension of awesome. Tammy expanded on my breakthrough experience in the realms of planes, petals, flowers and unfiltered two hoop flow. Later that night at the hoop jam I just practiced by myself in front of the mirror and was able to really lock in a lot of what I had learned throughout the day. Perfect practice makes perfect, and I intend to use what I learned from Tammy and Caterina today to make my Two Hoop Practice the best it’s ever been. I feel the healthy relationship with two hoops directly related to my healthy relationship with Kellen. I am able to move freely throughout the planes and directions, with momentum and purpose, and he is moving right along side me at the same rhythm. We might be on opposite sides of the body, but we are working to create one beautiful pattern indeed. 

Keeping busy, I was blessed to give two Human Design Readings during the free time. I LOVE giving the basic version of these readings. Just the overview of a someone’s chart is a wealth of knowledge. Both of the ladies I provided readings for were feeling really amazed and affirmed by the information they received. ‘That makes total sense’, was the phrase I kept hearing over and over again. I am looking forward to continuing Human Design Readings throughout Weeks Two and Three of Sacred Circularities, and am happy to have such interest happening around it. Everyone wants to know their design! It is my pleasure to decode. Message me for more information and scheduling.

The final event of the evening was the jam. The hoop jam was a simple moment of integration for me. It is always good to step away from the cerebral ‘learning’, and into the intuition and knowing of the body. I was totally able to dance with my two hoops in a new type of flow that was more unlocked and confidant. I remember when I started dancing with two, and it felt so strange. But now it feels so natural and I love it more and more as the petals unfold on this aspect of my Hoop Art.

Overall, this day was all about being graceful in life working with TWO. Not just me. Not just one. TWO. Me AND Kellen. TWO Hoops. Revolving around each other and working together without smacking into each other. My twin hooping practice evolved yesterday right alongside my actual partnership. I love this correlation. Kellen and I are going to grow so much from having a solid space to live and work from. My hooping practice will evolve a great deal, too, and what will evolve the MOST is the amazing services I will be able to offer my community. Roots equal fruits. Stay tuned for the juicy developments!
One in Bliss,

Shellie White Light